Wednesday, July 7, 2010

who is the greatest?

Our new theme for the week is who is the greatest? Obviousy, the answer is God :) We have been learning about being a servant to all. God has been showing me what that means, especially in the workplace. I have to constantly remind myself that I didn't come to be served but to serve. It definitely is an attitude that goes against our culture. Life is very busy for me now that staff is gone. I have six hours a week that I do discipleship with the other women in our Bible study. Even though it's very crazy, it is a blessing to be able to meet with each of them. It is also a challenge to me to be out sharing my faith more often since I go sharing with all of them individually. I feel so honored that God chooses to use us to share the Gospel, even though we are broken sinners who desperately need a Savior. I am excited to see what God does the last few weeks of project. We have exactly one month left until we leave for home and I trust that God still has great things in store for North Myrtle Beach.